Water purification industry information

Which water purifier is good AICKSN reverse osmosis 202-RO-04 type water purifier is good

Views : 58380
Update time : 2022-02-23 17:14:09
The question of which water purifier is better once perplexed many consumers. Although the product of water purifier has been recognized by the market, why is the penetration rate not high? The main reason is that consumers do not know how to choose, and it is better not to use a bad water purifier. Before purchasing a water purifier, you must understand the dangers of unsafe drinking water, so that you can choose according to the actual situation.

What are the dangers of unsafe drinking water?

Before discussing which water purifier is better, let’s first understand the hazards of unsafe drinking water:

1. Unsafe drinking water will cause a burden on the kidneys, destroy the normal function of the kidneys, and even lead to renal failure in severe cases;

2. Unsafe drinking water will reduce the activity of human cells and reduce immune function;

3. Unsafe drinking water will reduce the human body's sensitivity to environmental changes and increase the possibility of accidental injury.

Which water purifier is good? It must be a water purifier that allows consumers to drink healthy and good water. After all, 70% of the human body is water. If we drink unclean water every day, and the harmful substances in the water are too high, the organs in the body, especially the kidneys, will bear a huge filtration burden. If these harmful components cannot be metabolized by the organs of the human body, they will accumulate in the human body for many years, and most of the chronic diseases are caused by this principle. More authoritative organizations reported that although most households in my country will boil the water for drinking, some harmful heavy metals in tap water include: rust, residual chlorine, trihalomethane, heavy metal lead, mercury, etc., and even some bacteria and viruses It cannot be removed even by boiling.

The human body is not a water purifier. For drinking water, the human body can only filter it out of instinct protection in the process of absorbing it. However, we cannot use this instinct as a function to consume. After all, there will always be a day when it will be exhausted. . Therefore, before drinking water enters the human body, we must do a good job of this barrier, add a barrier to the health of drinking water, and increase a guarantee for human health.

What is the best water purifier?

For the question of which water purifier is better, I believe that many people already have the answer in their hearts. There are three main types of water purifiers on the market today:

Microfiltration water purifier: The pore size of the microfiltration membrane is generally 0.5-1 micron, which can only filter visible impurities such as sediment, rust, colloid, and large bacterial clusters.

Ultrafiltration water purifier: Ultrafiltration machine is a device that uses ultrafiltration technology to purify water. The difference from other water purification equipment is the use of ultrafiltration membranes. Ultrafiltration membrane is a kind of microporous filtration membrane with uniform pore size and rated pore size range of 0.1-0.001 micron. The membrane filtration method that uses an ultrafiltration membrane with pressure difference as the driving force is ultrafiltration membrane filtration.

Reverse osmosis water purifier: integrates microfiltration, adsorption, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, sterilization, ultra-purification and other technologies.

These three types of water purifiers are all useful, but the most suitable for home use must be the reverse osmosis water purifier. At present, the best water purifier on the market is the AICKSN reverse osmosis 202-RO-04 pure water purifier. The water machine can efficiently purify harmful substances such as sediment, bacteria, viruses, and heavy metals. Such drinking water can not only be drunk directly, but also can protect the health of family members and prevent some diseases caused by drinking water, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular sclerosis, gastroenteritis, and urinary tract infections. Pure water makes cooking, tea making, and cooking taste better. The AICKSN water purifier is also perfect for the function of preventing water leakage and electricity leakage. It chooses an integrated water circuit to reduce the interface, thereby reducing the risk of water leakage. Not only that, the 202-RO-04 is also very quiet when running, even if there is a baby sleeping at home, it will not wake up. It can be said that the experience of this water purifier is also very good.
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